Al-Aqsa Defenders

Hilwani: The first woman ever banished from Masjid Al-Aqsa

She is the first woman to be banished by the Israeli occupation from Masjid al-Aqsa and the Old City for a period of six months. On top of that, her name was also the first on the list of those banned from entering al-Aqsa. Yet, due to her distress and yearning of Al-Aqsa, she made a firm decision, that if the occupation decided to banish her from the Muslim’s first qibla,

Al-Aqsa in Islam

Al-Aqsa Mosque in the Sunnah

The Sunnah has an abundance of hadiths and events that indicate the great sanctity of Masjid Al-Aqsa and its significance and holiness, as well as the Prophet’s (pbuh) and his companions’ attention to the Masjid.

Al-Aqsa in Danger

The Azan Ban in Al-Aqsa and the mosques of Al-Quds

“The ban on Azan in al-Quds” is the latest Zionist bill introduced by the extreme right to ban the Muslim call for prayer during the night in the mosques of al-Quds and the Palestinian towns within the Green Line. The first reading was approved in March 2017 at the Israeli Knesset (parliament).

Al-Aqsa Architecture


Since its early days, al-Aqsa Mosque has embraced an active scientific movement such as teaching the Holy Quran, Hadith and Islamic Fiqh but this activity has taken a more organized

Al-Aqsa Architecture


A platform is a flat space made of stone that is elevated from Al-Aqsa’s surface, it is usually connected to a few steps and has a niche carved in it pointing towards

Al-Aqsa Architecture

Al-Buraq Wall

Al-Buraq Wall represents the southwestern section of Al-Aqsa Mosque’s wall, some 50 meters in length and approximately 20 meters in height. It is part of Al-Aqsa Mosque and considered an Islamic property.

Our duty toward Al-Aqsa

Muslims Duty Towards Al-Aqsa Mosque

Dr. Abdul Karim Meqdad The duties towards any cause are magnified by its holiness and its great status. Since the cause of al-Aqsa Mosque is linked to the faith of the Muslims,


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