Al-Aqsa Architecture


There are 32 water sources inside Al-Aqsa Mosque: two pools, two cisterns, eight sabeels (a public water source that is meant to service people for free), and twenty wells, that were built and

Al-Aqsa in Islam

Al-Aqsa Mosque in the Sunnah

The Sunnah has an abundance of hadiths and events that indicate the great sanctity of Masjid Al-Aqsa and its significance and holiness, as well as the Prophet’s (pbuh) and his companions’ attention to the Masjid.

Al-Aqsa in Islam

Juristic Rulings Unique to Masjid al-Aqsa

Special juristic rulings are associated with al-Masjid al-Aqṣā that are unique to it. This is because it was the first qiblah (direction of prayer) for the Muslims, the second house of Allah that was built for people on the earth, and the third mosque that Muslims can undertake a journey to visit. 

Al-Aqsa in Danger

Attempts to Burn and Blow up Al-Aqsa Mosque

The Zionist authorities sought to demolish al-Aqsa Mosque since they completed their occupation of Palestine in 1967. By occupying the eastern part of al-Quds, where the Old City is located, al-Aqsa Mosque became a direct target under the Zionist fire, through several and repeated aggressions aimed to demolish the Mosque in order to build the Jewish “Temple” on its ruins.

Al-Aqsa Architecture

Al-Buraq Wall

Al-Buraq Wall represents the southwestern section of Al-Aqsa Mosque’s wall, some 50 meters in length and approximately 20 meters in height. It is part of Al-Aqsa Mosque and considered an Islamic property.

Al-Aqsa Architecture


A platform is a flat space made of stone that is elevated from Al-Aqsa’s surface, it is usually connected to a few steps and has a niche carved in it pointing towards


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